The founder and President of One Call Away is an Army Infantry veteran with a passion for helping today’s military veterans who suffer from the invisible wounds of combat. As a member of the Patriot Guard Riders he has participated in a number of military funerals in New England. He was struck by the staggering number of military veterans who died as a result of suicide. “There’s got to be something we can do” was the thought that motivated him to seek a way to help these people who struggle with the psychological problems brought on by PTSD. That spirit of getting things done drove him to gather friends from the Patriot Guard Riders and others, some of them veterans themselves, to form a foundation that gives hands on help to individuals who isolate themselves from established care giving organizations.
David Sutton,
Founder and President
Roland Gratton,
Co founder
Vice President
My father served almost 30 years active-duty US Army. He served in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. My uncle was a member of the Merrill’s Marauders. I grew up an “army brat” and all my life have understood and respected the great commitment and sacrifices of those serving in our military. I watched my dad help others right up to his passing from agent orange. I have been a member of the Patriot Guard Riders since 2009, which is where David Sutton and I met, and have stood the flag line at far too many services for veterans who took their own lives. When David shared with me his deep passion for “there has got to be something we can do”, I was all in. We gathered an incredible group of folks and got started, not sure where we would go, but knowing we could do something. One Call Away is now helping folks in many different ways, changing lives for the better. We are continually growing and learning and finding new ways to help. I am very proud to be part of this wonderful team of exceptional people giving back and helping others.
As a member of the Patriot Guard Riders, we had stood flag lines for way too many young veterans that had taken their own life. When our founder originally approached us with the idea of raising awareness of PTSD and supporting those that are struggling with the effects of this condition, it just seemed like the right thing for me. This mission hasn’t always been easy, but it is very rewarding.
Ron Sassarone, Co founder
Being a part of One Call Away has been such a pleasure over the last 5 years. Meeting some wonderful caring people who put so much energy into making sure we take care of our service men and women. Although I have never served, I have been around our military from childhood. My dad served in WWII and Korea. I have a brother in law and nephew, who served and I am so very proud of them. I have cousins who have also served. This is my way of saying thank you and I appreciate what you have given up for me. Now it's my turn to serve you.
Chris Sassarone,
Kathy has dedicated herself to One Call Away for several years and has served our organization well. She has resigned from our OCA board to move on and enjoy her retirement years traveling to and from Florida and enjoy riding Blanche with with her fellow riding partners.
My name is Kathy Stevens and I met David Sutton thru the Patriot Guard Riders. Although I am not military, I have a large heart for volunteering. Anything to reduce the stresses life subjects our military men and women to while serving.
We Wish her well. Thank You !!
Cathy Stevens
It's easy. I first got involved with One Call Away (OCA), when my wife and I wanted to hold a fundraiser to help local veterans. After trying to contact various agencies and organizations oddly enough it was OCA that answered the call. After the successful event at Murphy’s Pub a mutual interest was expressed in volunteering to help spread the word that OCA is only One Call Away. I can’t thank the founding members of OCA enough for the opportunity to be a part of such an amazing organization.
John Schott, Jr.
My husband John wanted to help our Veterans by holding a fundraiser. We made numerous calls and tried our best to find a path to get to someone needing help. This was not as easy as it sounded but I remembered seeing a Facebook post from a previous member and they mentioned the "One Call Away foundation". We contracted them and have had the honor of being part of this amazing group of people ever since.
Andrea Scalise
Rick Prater
Co founder